End of cookie and Loyalty system: How Ellity is changing the game for e-shops on Shoptet

At a time when the era of third-party cookies is coming to an end, Ellity comes to the aid of Shoptet's e-shopping system with an innovative solution. It not only offers an adaptation to the new marketing reality, but also opens the way to greater customer loyalty and a better understanding of their needs.

First Party Data Collection and Analysis

By using Ellita, e-shops gain access to accurate and relevant data directly from their customers. This allows for personalized marketing and more effective communication that leads to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Personalisation and Customer Experience

Ellity allows Shoptet e-shops to personalize the customer experience by offering rewards and benefits directly tailored to the needs and preferences of customers. This creates a strong foundation for long-term relationships and increases brand value.

The future of e-commerce and loyalty programmes

With the growing emphasis on privacy and changes in online tracking, loyalty programs are becoming a key pillar of success in e-commerce. Ellity is at the forefront of this change, providing e-tailers on Shoptet with the tools and strategies to succeed in the new era.

Ellity's loyalty system is not only a solution to the current challenges associated with the end of third-party cookies, but also a platform for future growth and innovation in e-commerce. It offers a unique opportunity for e-tailers looking to strengthen their customer relationships and build a strong brand that is resilient to changes in digital marketing. In the context of the ultimate demise of third-party cookies, loyalty systems such as Ellity appear to be key for e-shops on the Shoptet platform. This approach allows e-shops to gain valuable first-party data directly from customers, helping to better understand their behaviour and preferences. As a result, stores can tailor their marketing strategies and offers to better meet the needs of their customers, leading to greater loyalty and increased sales. Loyalty systems are thus an effective solution for staying competitive in the new cookie-free digital era.

Customer registration and login is the key to success

Motivating customers to register and login before purchase is becoming essential in the era of ending third-party cookies. This process allows e-tailers to collect first-party data, which is crucial for personalizing offers and communications in the future. With accurate data on customer preferences and purchase history, stores can better target their marketing strategies, increase advertising effectiveness and build deeper relationships with their customers, leading to increased loyalty and repeat purchases.

Can a loyalty system help?

Yes, loyalty systems can help a lot in this process. They allow e-shops to offer incentives for signing up and logging in by providing points, discounts, or special offers to registered users. In this way, they not only encourage first-party data collection, but also increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases, which is particularly important in the context of the end of third-party cookies.

Start an effective loyalty system for Shoptet today that will work for you forever.